Yesterday my wife an I were invited to the BMW i Summer Festival at the most beautiful party location south of Munich, La Villa. I was invited because I bought my current BMW i3s at the BMW Niederlassung München last year (plus a BMW X1 for my wife). And my general interest in buying another BMW (maybe the BMW Z4) might also have helped…

Thank you for the Invitation, BMW
It was a great evening. Apart from the impressive location directly at the lake (Starnberger See) the whole program was really good. They staged 3 of the newest BMW Hybrid cars on the lawn (BMW 225e Active Tourer, BMW 530e, BMW 745e), they had a great new BMW Art car there, the i8 Roadster designed by Milan Kunc and representing the 4 elements and a Band called „The Patchworkers“ who played live and unplugged and really perfectly matching the total setup with their chilling sound.

Matthias Müller, responsible for the whole new car sales segment at BMW München, started with a short speech, followed by some insights from the person responsible for the whole BMWi productline.

Highlight at the End: Sand Art
After a tasteful dinner on the beautiful terrace, we watched a Talent Show winner how she painted pictures with sand on a flat table. Impressive.